President Muse Bihi speech about Somaliand independence day contained nothing but anger. Ali Behi

Thursday June 27, 2024 - 09:52:06 in Articles by Xaaji Faysal
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    President Muse Bihi speech about Somaliand independence day contained nothing but anger. Ali Behi

    President Muse can't achieve any success by speaking

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President Muse can't achieve any success by speaking

Most people in Somaliand felt great surprise and considered as s joke about president Muse independence day celebration speech. Surprisely Muse claimed being the best leader to elected while his destructive, dictatorship, unwise and military mentality damaged somaliland greatly. It looked like if Muse Bihi speaking to foreigners as he has spoken was against the law of logic .

President Muse Bihi has negative culture of blaming his continuous failures to wadani party leaders. Muse has to accept his failure instead of blaming his successive failures to others.Laascaano splitting from somaliland and forming their own administration lies to Muse bihi shoulders and not anyone else. Muse has to accept his responsibility instead of accusing his continual failures to wadani party leaders. President Muse need to speak inline with acceptable logic. He has no right to refuse his responsibility.

President Muse can't achieve any success by speaking threatening language, angry mood and blaming his responsibilities to others who are nothing to do with these responsibilities. No one in Somaliand will not accept president Muse to escape his responsibilities as a president of somaliland. In the event, he is not accepting his responsibilities, then he has no option other then to resign from office .

President Muse Bihi speech about Somaliand independence day (26) contained nothing but anger, absence of sense, his politcal failure, his dictatorship policies, his opposition to hold free & fair election in somaliland, false praise about himself, claim of fake pride and unnecessary stories. This is the first time in history we experienced someone who praiseing himself in national event.

Ali Behi

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